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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Meant To Be

Yesterday was a day that I will treasure forever. Around 10:30am, I called the number that I had for Robyn Abney. My heart was racing. I'm awkward on the phone with my family and friends, so I had no idea how I was going to say what I wanted to say or whether or not I could say it without crying. As it turned out, her daughter answered the phone. In a fairly comprehensible way, I was able to explain that I had been so moved by the family and their story that our store had wanted to do something for them and "whenever they were free, could they please come by to pick up a little gift we had for James?". Her daughter said she would pass along the message. For me, the completion of this phone call had several different impacts. First and foremost, I was  proud of myself for successfully navigating what is typically a very stressful and awkward situation for me: talking on the telephone. Second, I was thrilled to have set everything into motion. As I've said many times, it's my goal to leave this world better than it was when I came to it, to make a difference, and to help others. This simple phone call enabled me to hit all 3 of my goals at one time. I couldn't wait for them to arrive.

Of course, when Robyn and James came through the door, I was with another customer... and although I'm typically all work and no play, for probably the first time ever, I completely dropped what I was doing and went over to them. Robyn was carrying James in her arms. She kept repeating that we didn't have to do this, but I knew she'd be thrilled once she saw the look on James' face. We sat him down on the floor and helped him open the bag. Robyn was very excited to see the Leap Pad and of course, James wanted it open immediately. She asked to borrow my camera to capture the moment (and of course, she agreed to let me share the moment with you all on here). 


They were both so happy and their happiness immediately transferred to me as well. James did call out for his daddy a few times, wanting to show off his awesome new toy, but Robyn said that he wasn't sure he could handle it ("it" being so many people being so nice to his family following such a tragedy). I can understand that. I am sure it's incredibly difficult for him, trying to keep up appearances for James, but mourning the loss of his wife at the same time. 

Before James left the store, I was the recipient of several hugs and high five's, and the very lucky recipient of a kiss on the cheek. I am not someone who likes to be touched, but when I was on the phone with my mom, I'm fairly certain that I repeated multiple times "he kissed me mommy!" in an absolutely thrilled way. 

Shortly after they left, I received a text message from Robyn: 

James and his daddy were already having a fun time together playing with the Leap Pad. I am so honored to have been granted access to such a wonderful scene. 

Looking back, maybe I never stuck my foot in my mouth after all. Maybe this was all just meant to be. I was meant to learn about the accident... I was meant to fall in love with the family... I was meant to make a difference.

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